
Q1 2024 ā€¢ Referrals Dashboard ā€¢ Trading/Competitions Dashboard ā€¢ Auto-Buy ā€¢ Multi-Wallets ā€¢ Sniper ā€¢ Upgraded Simulation Engine ā€¢ Migration to Microservices ā€¢ Optimizations ā€¢ Group Bot ā€¢ Reworked Affiliate Program

Q2 2024:

ā€¢ WebApp ā€¢ Auto Calls Channel ā€¢ Added Protocols ā€¢ Public APIs ā€¢ SDK Beta ā€¢ Scraper

Q3 2024:

ā€¢ Local Wagie Instances ā€¢ Full-on Customization ā€¢ Precognition Tech ā€¢ Cross-chain Aggregator Integrations

Q4 2024:

ā€¢ Liquidity Pool Farming ā€¢ Airdrop Farming ā€¢ NFT Trading ā€¢ Seamless Launchpad ā€¢ Machine Learning Model for Analyzing Contract Bytecode and detecting rug probability before it launches.

Last updated